i everyone!
Sometimes there is a glitch and homework does not get into your child's backpack. I thought you might be curious as to what the homework routine is in class so you know how the homework gets from me to your child's bag. It is an increase of responsibility on the student's part from first grade but I know they can handle it with a little help.
The routine in class we have been doing and talking about for the past week is:
1. I show the class what the homework looks like and give any tips or advice, reading over directions, etc.
2. The mail helper puts the homework in the mailboxes
3. A teacher double checks to make sure everyone who needed a homework got one
4. Students check their mail at the end of the day and put it in their folder*
5. Students tell me if they don't see any homework in their mailbox so I can give them on
6. Students are responsible for taking their own folder and putting in their backpack.
*If homework was due and they did not turn it in, I put a missed homework note in the mailbox for you by midmorning. If they turn in their homework later in the morning or at the end of the day, the missed homework note will still be in their mailbox so they are responsible for taking it out and recycling it or explaining to you that it was in their mailbox because they did not turn their homework in until late in the day, after the homework checking and missed homework slips were done.
At the beginning of the year usually at least once, all students forget to turn in their homework (leaving it in their folder or at home). I do remind them and do all calls for homework (i.e. "Last call for homework - who else has homework to turn in?) at least 2-3 times during homework collection time. Sometimes students also don't have homework in their mailbox and forget to tell me when they check their mail at dismissal (see #4 above) or just forget to get their mail. Pack up time can be hectic and I try hard to make sure everyone gets their mail but occasionally someone forgets.
If homework is forgotten I note it myself and send you a note. I usually don't worry too much unless your child forgets it several times a week. There is a learning curve!
If you have questions, please let me know! Thank you!