Hi everyone!
This week we will start homework procedures. I would like to explain the usual routines. There are two types of homework: the weekly short reading log with spelling included and one math homework page (occasionally there is a long term project). Our Language Arts "Week" starts each Monday and ends on Friday. Therefore, on Monday nights your child will bring home a reading log which also includes their spelling words. Their reading log is to be kept at home until Friday. Reading logs/spelling assignments are due on Friday. I won't take them early because students may read on Friday morning before school and need to record it. The second grade home reading policy is that students read about every night for 10-15 minutes. The home reading log is fairly brief. It will simply be a spot for students to mark whether they read at home or not, for how many nights, and you must initial it for them to get credit for returning it.
The spelling quiz is on Fridays. Your child will receive a spelling menu on Monday attached to their reading log and they will write their spelling words on it so they know what words they need to practice. Your child will be required to choose one activity from the menu to complete on Wednesday (or they can complete it on another night if something comes up and they are busy on Wednesday). Some activities require a parent signature in order for students to get credit for having done it.
Nightly homework:
Most of the time, on Monday I will send home one math homework assignment which is due the next day. Occasionally I assign homework for students to go on an app or website (I give choices as to which ones to do) to practice a math skill or concept. If your child has any trouble with the assignments, let me know. Later in the year as we start to work with Google Drive, expect a transition to more technology based assignments. Additionally, if she is not able to complete it due to an event or a family situation, please let me know. This week there will be no Monday night homework since we haven't started our math program (but will be doing so this week). Tuesday and Thursday homework will be incomplete work that your child needs extra time on. If your child does not receive any papers in the mailbox on Tuesday and Thursday that means they do not need to finish any work. On Wednesday students can complete their spelling assignment. Students can also do an additional spelling activity(activities) if they want. Students will also have access to several math websites if they would like to go on those to do extra math practice.
A quick summary:
Monday: Reading Log/Spelling Words Sent home, due Friday
Math homework (starting next week)
Tuesday: incomplete work sent home to finish
Wednesday: Students complete a Spelling activity from the list on their reading log, due Friday
Thursday: incomplete work sent home to finish, Reading Log/Spelling due tomorrow
Reading log and spelling menu are due on Friday.
Please let me know if you have any questions!