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Helping a Texas Classroom Rebuild

Hurricane Harvey may be over but countless teachers and students lost everything from their schools and classroom. Some schools are able to replace much of what was lost, but some are not. And you know teachers spend a lot of their own money on classroom supplies, so when everything is lost, all those items they bought from WalMart, Target, Amazon, etc. are gone too. Teachers and their classes around the country have come toegther and started to "adopt" classrooms in need. What does that mean? A teacher signs up to help a Texas teacher and contacts him or her to find out what he/she needs and when it is needed by.

To start the year out, since we have pretty much everything we need here in Littleton, I thought it would be a kind and "heart-ful" thing to do to adopt a Texas classroom too. I reached out to Ms. Kim Manuel in Friendswood, TX, which is just south of Houston and right on the ocean. Kim's school was completely flooded and everything is lost. She told me even posters hung high up on the wall were wet. She emailed me a few pictures to help me get an idea of what happened. Her school is going to replace things such as coat cubbies, desks and chairs, and boards, but Ms. Manuel needs to replace all her classroom books, storage supplies, markers, classroom posters, etc. herself.

Here is her Amazon classroom wishlist if you'd like to take a look.  Amazon makes it pretty easy. To donate, you just add it to your cart, and they ship everything for you.

I will be chatting with students about the project but wanted to make sure I shared details with you as well so you understand.

Ms. Manuel's 2nd Grade classroom before Hurricane Harvey
The school (red roof) and playground (on the left) during the storm.

Items pulled from inside the school after the rain stopped

A hallway inside the school and more classroom items pulled from the school.

What remains of a classroom  

Our school motto is H E A R T and what better way to show HEART than to start the year by helping others?

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