Just a reminder, on February 6, we passed out the Biography Poster Projects and discussed the directions. Students took these sheets home that day, or if they were absent, we left one in their mailbox. We have been discussing it in class and today Mrs. Abrussezze the librarian helped many student find books for the project. If your child has any questions they should ask me soon. The projects are due March 1, since I was trying to give the students at least three weeks to read a book and complete the activity. They are welcome to bring the posters in early. Thank you!
Math homework will often be a variety of puzzles from Greg Tang Math which incorporate fact practice and problem solving along with a variety of other concepts in a fun way. (some of these are games on his website, www.GregTangMath.com ) We do these in class several times a week and I always provide instruction, but in case students forget what to do or you would like some info, I made a video on how to solve each puzzle. Here is the video for DigiCross and NumTanga. Enjoy!