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Showing posts from September, 2015

Showing Heart When there is a Substitute

This week we discussed that at some time every teacher has to be out, whether for a short time (like a meeting) or the whole day. Teachers get sick, teachers get sent to trainings, etc. We talked about the book Miss Nelson is Missing, in which the teacher goes missing and the students have a substitute. Together, the students brainstormed rules for when a substitute is here. They thought about what would need to happen for everyone to have a good day, be a happy class and have the substitute be able to compliment them to me. We came up with this list (all the students' ideas) and it has been posted in the room. Good thing too because I found out tomorrow I have 2 meetings, one in the morning for about an hour and one in the afternoon, so there will be our first substitute(s)! Feel free to use this poster or the topic when discussing how school is going with your child!

Digging Deeper into the Curriculum - Our Enrichment Philosophy

Did your child do well overall with the first grade curriculum? Are you curious about  the second grade team's philosophy on enrichment? Our philosophy for enrichment is digging deeper. What does that mean? Digging deeper means taking what students know and working with that knowledge. Can students apply that knowledge from kindergarten and first grade because they have internalized it? Can they use what they know to approach a more difficult problem in the same area? Can they teach it to someone they know (you will see that question on our math unit self-assessments)? Can they explain what they know verbally and  in writing? We want to help our students be able to convey their knowledge. In today's world, whether in older grades, on the ol' MCAS, or in the workplace, people need to be able to explain their thinking clearly and thoroughly so that they can get their message across to others. So first we need to look at metacognition - they understand what they know ...

What is Xtra Math?

Recently your child brought home an flyer for Xtra math. When you get a chance, log on with your child to Xtra math using the information on the flyer. Xtra math is a fun math fact website where your child can practice math facts using technology! No more paper flash cards like when I was in school. Practicing math facts is not the be all end all of classroom mathematics (see the Common Core State Standards) but familiarity with facts is very useful. All second grade classes have a goal this year of helping students master math facts this year. The expectation is that at the end of second grade, students should have mastery of basic addition and subtraction facts. Yes, subtraction too! In school we will be doing Xtra math as a class about twice or three times a month (we will also be doing other activities in class to increase math fact fluency) but I would recommend you have your child go online to two or more times a week. Each time your child logs in, the t...

Math Vocabulary

I am sure your second grader knows what "add" means and "equals" but can they define the math meaning of "difference"? How about "faces" and do they remember "unit" and "combinations" from first grade? With the Common Core State Standards communicating about mathematical thinking is very important and to do so we need a good grasp on math vocabulary. Additionally, besides being able to write and speak math terms like angles and sum, students need to be able to independently read and understand written math directions on their own. In a testing situation, teachers may be able to read what a word says but if a student does not remember it they will not be able to define it (of course in everyday lessons and not on tests, yes we would help). For example, "Write a subtraction equation in which the difference is 6" or "Write a number model in which the sum is 8" would require not only computation but knowing w...

The In Class Routine for Getting Homework into Backpacks

Hi everyone!  Sometimes there is a glitch and homework does not get into your child's backpack. I thought you might be curious as to what the homework routine is in class so you know how the homework gets from me to your child's bag. It is an increase of responsibility on the student's part from first grade but I know they can handle it with a little help.  The routine in class we have been doing and talking about for the past week is: 1. I show the class what the homework looks like and give any tips or advice, reading over directions, etc. 2. The mail helper puts the homework in the mailboxes 3. A teacher double checks to make sure everyone who needed a homework got one 4. Students check their mail at the end of the day and put it in their folder* 5. Students tell me if they don't see any homework in their mailbox so I can give them on 6. Students are responsible for taking their own folder and putting in their backpack. *If homework was d...

What Happens if My Child Forgets to Bring their Homework in?

Hi everyone! Let me tell you a little more about the homework routine. What happens when someone forgets their homework? Well, every time your child forgets to bring their homework back I send home a missed homework slip. It tells you what happened and has a spot for your signature. If I do not see the missed homework slip come back to school I send another one or email you to see if you were aware. In the beginning of the year, I let students adjust to the homework routine for a couple weeks, then if they are forgetting homework after that, they may have to do their homework in school that day. I usually acknowledge that they completed their homework in school that day on the missed homework slip. The reading log cannot be done in school; however, all other homework could be made up during the day. If I notice your child is having a lot of difficulty remembering their homework we will discuss some strategies for helping them. Some general tips for homework success: Have a c...

Parent Night is Tomorrow

Hello everyone! I hope you can join us  tomorrow (Wednesday) for Curriculum Night. We will be in the classroom for a quick meet and greet and a  few comments from me from 7:00-7:20 pm and then head down to the cafeteria for a curriculum presentation from the second grade team and some information from Mr. Faherty until about 8:00 pm. Scroll down for all you want to know about 2nd grade! This is our grade level informational brochure. I thought I would post it here for your convenience. Everything you always wanted to know about Second Grade STAFF Classroom Teachers Ms. Bumstead      Ms. McGrath Mrs. Holm             Ms. Packer      Ms. Mawn             Ms. Pratt Special Education Mrs. Hogan  Mrs. Sundberg Mrs. Byrne  Mrs. Carreiro Mrs. Leone  Mrs. Penney Mrs. Ramire...

Homework is starting up!

Hi everyone! This week we will start homework procedures*. I would like to explain the usual routines. There are two types of homework: the weekly reading log and nightly homework (occasionally there is a long term project). Our Language Arts "Week" starts each Monday and ends on Friday. Therefore, on Monday nights your child will bring home a reading log which also includes their spelling words. Their reading log is to be kept at home until Friday. Reading logs are  due on Friday . I won't take them early because students may read on Friday morning before school and need to record it.  The second grade home reading policy is that students read about every night for 10-15 minutes. The spelling quiz is on Fridays. Your child will receive a spelling menu on Monday attached to their reading log and they will write their spelling words on it so they know what words they need to practice. Your child will choose two activities form the menu to complete. Some activities req...

"Show and Tell" /AKA Sharing info

We will be starting a show and tell - I call it sharing - schedule next week..  Once a week - on Tuesday -  several children will have the chance to bring something in if they like. We will take turns until every has one turn,  then everyone can get a 2nd turn and so on. The list will be posted in the classroom so students will know in advance when it is their turn. Show and tell should be saved for those days, unless students have something that relates to what we are working on in school such as rocks when we do our pebbles, sand and silt unit.  More guidelines: no live animals allowed. I suggested if something is valuable, special or expensive students should have permission from you to bring it in. Most of the time things are okay but there is always a chance of something getting lost or broken. Students were asking about bringing in iphones, tablets etc. for sharing. If they are brought in they will not  be allowed to connect to the school wifi or interne...


We are off to a great start! We have been pretty hot on the second floor, but it won't be hot for long! Here is our specials schedule. Please help your child to remember to wear sneakers on gym days. FYI The computer lab will not be open until next week, so if you haven't sent in earbuds yet for your child to use with ipads and the computers there is time! MONDAY: P.E. TUESDAY: Art WEDNESDAY: Math Lab THURSDAY: Music FRIDAY: Library

Contact Info

Miss Mawn's Contact Info One of the keys to make this year a great year will be for good communication! Here is all my contact information: E-mail: Phone: 978-855-4552 Blog: The best way to reach me is e-mail! However, if you have an urgent matter please call the school or if your child has  a dismissal change, please send a note to school with your child or call the office. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to check e-mail during  the school day. That being said, I check e-mail at least once on weekdays. If you e-mail me and expect a response but do not hear back within 48 hours, please e-mail again to make sure I receive it! Please check back here during the school year for regular updates!