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Sign up for Volunteering

Please sign up for Volunteering! I would encourage you to sign up for the same slot (ie Language arts general help) once a week for half the year (Nov, Dec., Jan., Feb.) and let someone else sign up for the 2nd half of the year (for example Language Arts,  March, April, May, June).

Here are the options, though you'd have to manually sign up for each weekly slot.
Language Arts, Tues. 11-12:30 (Nov.-Feb.)
Language Arts, Tues. 11-12:30 (March-June)
Math card help Thursday 1:45-2:40, 2nd and 4th Thursday of Month (Nov-Feb)
Math card help Thursday 1:45-2:40, 2nd and 4th Thursday of Month (March-June)
Math activity/game help Thursday 1:45-2:40, 1st and 3rd Thursday of Monday (Nov-Feb)
Math activity/game help Thursday 1:45-2:40, 1st and 3rd Thursday of Monday  (March-June)

Here is the link to use to sign up with Sign up Genius:

Also, don't forget to sign up for conferences via sign up Genius too. That link is:

Please e-mail me with questions. Volunteer slots also may be cancelled due to assemblies, snow days, etc.


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