Just a reminder that we will be starting a show and tell - I call it sharing - schedule in about a week. Each Monday several children will have the chance to bring something in if they like. We will take turns until every has one turn then everyone can get a 2nd turn and so on. The list will be posted in the classroom so students will know in advance when it is their turn. Show and tell should be saved for those days, unless students have something that relates to what we are working on in school such as rocks when we do our pebbles, sand and silt unit. If you have any questions let me know !
Math homework will often be a variety of puzzles from Greg Tang Math which incorporate fact practice and problem solving along with a variety of other concepts in a fun way. (some of these are games on his website, www.GregTangMath.com ) We do these in class several times a week and I always provide instruction, but in case students forget what to do or you would like some info, I made a video on how to solve each puzzle. Here is the video for DigiCross and NumTanga. Enjoy!