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Hello to my Second Graders 2014-5

Hi everyone! Have you been having a great summer? I have been really busy and had lots of fun. I love getting time to read books, spend time with family and hang out with my Saint Bernard, Bailey. This is how Bailey spent his summer for the most part! Silly, huh?

I am excited to see you next week and I wanted to let you know about a few things. 

First, next Tuesday, September 2, you can stop by the classroom and drop off your supplies if you want and say hi. I will be available from 2:15-3:00 pm. Yay!

Also I have some reminders and some changes for the supply list. Your personal supplies you need for your desk are still pretty much the same but I have some changes in the classroom supplies. Take a look below and maybe I will see you on Tuesday!

   Supplies for your desk:
  • Pencils (several dozen, please pre sharpen a few) and eraser
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Earbuds for the computer lab; please bring them in a ziploc bag labeled with your name (headphones are fine too but the buds are preferable since they take up less space)
  • Glue sticks (at least 6 if possible- they go very quickly!)
  • One pack crayons and one pack colored pencils
  • Band-Aids (2 boxes for your desk)
  • One plastic shoe box to hold desk supplies (no lid, 4 inches maximum height – be careful, many are more than that and will not fit. Last year Wal-Mart’s brand was 4 inches tall but check before you buy)
  • One folder for bringing papers back and forth to school each day.

Please label all your supplies with your first name or initials! Also make sure your lunch box, backpack and any jackets you have for the fall have your name on them.

If you would be willing to donate any of these items now or later in the year, we could really use them! Thank you!
For the classroom:
  • Extra band-aids
  • plastic spoons and forks
  • Lysol-type wipes
  • Paper Towels
  • ziploc bags -all sizes
  • Extra pencils
  • Expo Markers
  • Extra crayons, colored pencils, and markers
  • Extra earbud headphones in case someone's breaks
  • Cough Drops (any kind is ok -> we actually will donate these to the nurse's office. Do you know she usually buys coughdrops for over 450 children all year long from her own money? :) I thought we could help her out a little this year)

THANK YOU! See you soon!

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