Research has shown math is the area most likely in which students are most likely to regress in over the summer. How can you prevent this from happening? I have a whole bunch of suggestions that you can implement, at least a few times a week this summer and none are that hard to do. Things your child can do: Work on pages that are skipped or incomplete in their math books Continue math fact practice with, flash cards, during commerical breaks, or verbal practice while driving in the car. Third grade teachers look for students to have mastered addition facts up to 10 + 10 and subtraction facts within 20 by the fall. Therefore, kids should practice addition and subtraction! Look for fun apps that help kids practice math. Some examples are: Sushi Monster Dreambox (a few kids may already have accounts - I would have sent home a letter in the winter if so) Splash Math Kids Math Marble Math Junior Peter Pig's Money Math Counter Go...