Just like you might have wondered how homework gets from the classroom into your child's backpack ( see this blog post) , you might wonder, "Well how does my child's homework get from their backpack to the teacher?" or perhaps "Why did my child get a missed homework slip when their homework was in their bag?" Here is how it works in room 202. At the very beginning of the year, I establish the expectation with students that they are now in second grade so they will need to become a little more independent. Instead of handing their whole folder to the teacher or putting their folder in a bin, students bring their folder into the room, open it, look inside, and give me any homework or notes that they see inside. If they are unsure of what is inside, they check with me. Then students either put their folder in their mailbox for the end of the day, or back in their backpack. On days when homework is always due (Tuesdays and Fridays) students are expe...