Hi there! We are looking for donations for supplies for some STEM activities for the 100th day - plus we will be continuing STEM fun past that so your donations will go to good use. Here are some of the things we'd love: ( I included clickable links too if you love shopping at Amazon like me, or you can get most of these at places like Wal-Mart, Target, Michaels, Jo-Anns etc). Many thanks in advance! PS: 100s Day is probably around Feb 10 or Feb 13. Popsicle sticks Straws Twist Ties Cups (colored solo-type ) or Dixie Cups Pipe Cleaners Playdough Toothpicks Scotch Tape Small foam balls (1/2 inch or 3/4 inch) - often found at Michaels, AC Moore, Jo-Anns paper towel and/or toilet paper rolls v elcro dots (circular) Thank you so very much!