Can you believe Halloween is this close? In any case, our school will be having a Halloween parade on Oct. 31, and parents are invited to meet outside the school for the parade . Check your newsletter from Mr. Faherty but it usually is around 1:45pm. If your child wants to wear a costume there are a few guidelines. No weapons, even fake, foam ones. Also your child needs to be able to put their costume on over other clothes in the classroom. So for example, girls who have a dress for a costume could wear leggings and a t shirt and just pull the dress on over it. With 130 students and only one girls and boys room it is not logistically possible for students to all go and change clothes in the bathroom. Also we cannot put on makeup for students, and we again cannot guarantee that they can get to a bathroom mirror to do so themselves. Basically as far as costumes go, the more independent the child can be the better. Mysel...