HELP!!! WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF VOLUNTEERS FOR WINTERFEST ! Winterfest is Friday January 29th from 5-8PM and there is still a lot to do to make sure this event is success. If you are able to volunteer, please consider it. All you have to do is click on the link below to sign up. With out your help, this event is not possible and without your help we cannot have the number of games for kids. On behalf of the PTA I thank you for offering your time to make Winterfest a fun-filled night for everyone. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at . ww 10C0A4EAAAF2CA7F85-winterfest2 I cannot attend but signed up to bring some cakes. I know they need lots more cake donations and help setting up, during winterfest and cleaning up. If you do anything, the Winterfest volunteers, teachers and students will be very appreciative. ...