Can you believe it is the 100th day of school? I decided we will celebrate in the day we come back from vacation. There is just too much else going on today. We will be doing some fun things in school for 100s day , but your child will not need to bring in collections of 100 things that day (I know many K and 1 classes did that already) However, one thing we did try last year and had fun was dressing up as if we were 100 years old. Students could could also wear something with 100 things on it (or do both, or neither if they aren't interested). If your child would like dress up, that would be great. If they do not want to dress as a 100 year old, that is fine too. Some ideas (and there are tons on the internet for this and Pinterest) are: bringing a cane fake glasses wigs baby powder in hair to make it gray/white (I did this last year - just watch out and don't g...