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Open House is Thursday!

Hello everyone! I hope you and the students can join us Thursday  for Open House. We will be in the classroom for a quick meet and greet and a  few comments from me from 6:30-7:00 pm and then head down to the cafeteria for a curriculum presentation from the second grade team and some information from Ms. Kane until about 7:30 pm. Scroll down for all you want to know about 2nd grade! This is our grade level informational brochure. I thought I would post it here for your convenience.

Everything you always wanted to know about
Second Grade
Classroom Teachers
Ms. Garlisi      Ms. McGrath
Mrs. Holm             Ms. Packer     
Ms. Mawn             Ms. Pratt

Special Education
Mrs. Hogan
Mrs. Carreiro
Mrs. Penney
Reading Support
Mrs. Zwolinski  Mrs. Koob

Math Support
Mrs. Oksanish

The second grade learning experience is enhanced by the following weekly classes.

P.E.                       40 minutes
Music                    40 minutes
Art                         40 minutes
Library                   40 minutes
Computer Lab       45 minutes

Computer Lab- We use PCs, Chromebooks in the lab to enhance and supplement across curriculum areas.
iPads- Each classroom has six iPads for students to use individually and in center activities.
Apple TVs- These TVs are used to project lessons and videos from the iPad and computer.
Document Cameras-These devices allow us to project objects, pages and text onto an Apple TV.
Chromebooks- The classroom has access to a class set of Chromebooks several times a week.

Curriculum Overview
We have a full plate in second grade! Each curriculum area is continually reviewed as we align to the Common Core Standards.

We use the Journeys Reading Program published by Houghton Mifflin. This is a comprehensive reading and writing series aligned with the Common Core State Standards that provides students with a full range of reading opportunities. Students have daily practice with phonics, phonemic awareness, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and comprehension activities.
Reading instruction is provided through whole group reading experiences as well as small group instruction. Small group instruction is referred to as guided reading. This guided reading experience allows each child the opportunity to read at his/her instructional level.

We use the most current version of Everyday Mathematics. This is a program designed to capitalize on student interest and maximize student learning. This is accomplished through concepts and skills developed over time in a variety of contexts such as whole group lessons, individual practice, and math games. Throughout the year, opportunities for differentiated instruction are provided. Everyday Mathematics 4 introduces multiple methods and strategies for problem solving.
We continue to build upon skills learned in first grade such as addition, subtraction,telling time, counting money, geometry, graphing and measurement.  New concepts are fractions, multi-digit addition and subtraction, multiplication, division and word problems.

Science and Social studies
Themes covered over the year include Life cycles, Soil and Erosion, Plants and Animals, Recycling, Animal Habitats, STEM and engineering, Mapping, Geography and Immigration.

Our spelling program is part of our reading series. Each week the children are introduced to twelve new spelling words based on a phonics skill such as short and long /a/ words or words with blends. Students practice these words at home and at school during each week. Spelling tests are administered on Fridays.
Due to the generosity of our PTA, every second grader will have an account with this year. This website offers many opportunities for learning at school and at home.

We are building on first grade skills and working to enhance sentence writing through descriptive language, clarity of thought, new vocabulary and proper use of capitalization and punctuation. Later in the year we will introduce paragraphs and continue to strengthen the writing process through edits and revision.

Homework is assigned not only to reinforce skills but to promote responsibility. It also affords you the opportunity to see what your child is working on in school and how well he/she can practice the skills independently.

We have morning and afternoon recess. The children go outside daily, weather permitting. The cooler weather is on its way. Be sure to dress your child appropriately. It is helpful to label coats and outerwear.

Please send a nutritious snack and a drink every day. Snack time is limited to 10-15 minutes. Healthy snacks are encouraged.
Lunch can be purchased daily for $2.85. This includes the meal and milk. Milk can be purchased separately for 60¢.  The menu is available on the school website. Lunches can also be prepaid by setting up an account for your child. Information about this is also available on the website.    Shaker Lane
We are unable to microwave student lunches brought from home.

Volunteers are a tremendous resource. We appreciate all of the time that you give to our school. Opportunities to volunteer differ in each classroom. There are additional opportunities scheduled by the PTA.
All volunteers, whether coming in one time or every week, need to fill out a CORI form in the office BEFORE working in the classroom. A new CORI form needs to be completed every school year. It takes a minimum of two weeks for the forms to be processed.
Be sure to check in at the office and check out as you leave. The safety and security of our students is a top priority at Shaker Lane.

Please write your child’s teacher a note if there is a change in a student’s regular dismissal procedure for that day. Email is NOT a reliable choice for this purpose.
Include your child’s first and last name and the teacher’s name on the note as it is sent to the main office.

Home/school Connection
If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child, please email, call, or write a note to your child’s teacher. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Classroom Blogs
Each class has a blog with useful information and helpful links. Be sure to type in your email on the site to be notified of new postings.

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