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Showing posts from February, 2017

Biography Poster Project

Just a reminder, on February 6, we passed out the Biography Poster Projects and discussed the directions. Students took these sheets home that day, or if they were absent, we left one in their mailbox. We have been discussing it in class and today Mrs. Abrussezze the librarian helped many student find books for the project. If your child has any questions they should ask me soon. The projects are due March 1, since I was trying to give the students at least three weeks to read a book and complete the activity. They are welcome to bring the posters in early. Thank you!

Which Spelling City Activities are Best?

So you may have seen that Spelling City has dozens of games. It is a terrific website, but in my opinion, not all the games are appropriate or helpful if a child really needs some repetitive practice to learn and master words. Here is a short video showing you which games I think are best and I will also list them below! Thank you. Initial Sound Speller Final Sound Speller Sound it Out Spelling Test Me - Practice Tes t Speedy Speller Test N Teach Aim to Spell

Learning about Shades of Meaning

You might find that your second grade child is expanding his or her understanding of language this year. One of the things we work on is starting to explore shades of meaning. The CCSS for second grade (common core state standards) include the following: "Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings". Specifically,  we start to explore differences, some more subtle than others, between words*. Some of the words we look at include fall and collapse and cry and sob. We have a number of fun language arts centers but once in a while you may see it come up for extra practice on a morning work page or on something we send home. Therefore, I wanted to be sure you knew why were working on this concept. * exact standard wording is:  " CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.5.B Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g.,  toss, throw, hurl ) and closely related adjectives (e.g.,  thin, slender, skinny, scrawny )."